Save and Resume
Save and Resume
Save and Resume
Save and Resume

Create flexible forms with Save and Resume

Reduce friction on longer forms by letting respondents save form data and come back to it later.

Improve the form experience

Filling out long forms can be a pain, but sometimes you need your form to be long. With Save and Resume, you can give people the option to save and resume form completion. Previously completed questions will be brought back with one click.

Cut down on form friction

Formstack’s Save and Resume forms feature allows forms to be completed in more than one sitting.


Let users save form data on any multi-page form and return later for completion.


Add a Progress Indicator so users can see how close they are to finishing your form.


Send respondents a direct link and give them 30 days to finish their partially-completed form.

How It Works

Provide the Save and Resume option in three easy steps:

Step 1: Use Sections to build a multi-page form to collect data for surveys, registrations, applications, contracts, and more.

Step 2: Add Save and Resume to your form by navigating to the Form Extras section of the form builder and clicking the toggle next to Save and Resume.

Step 3: Share your form! If someone chooses to save their progress, a personalized link will be created and sent to their email. They can click the link to resume their form.

For additional information, check out this help article.

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